
皇冠体育博彩癫痫中心的负责人是 桑杰P. 辛格博士. Dr. Singh is an internationally renowned expert in epilepsy treatment. 他在国际大赛中获奖。, national and regional awards for his professional achievements and his dedication to the care of patients with epilepsy. He is invited to lecture on epilepsy therapy at many prestigious medical centers around the world. 他目前是主席 & Professor of the 神经内科 at 皇冠体育博彩大学 医学院.

•    关于 200,000 new cases are diagnosed annually in the United States.
•    There are about 20,000 patients with epilepsy in Nebraska.



A seizure is an abnormal electrical discharge in the brain which leads to a change in behavior. 这就像一场暴风雨, which leads to different manifestations depending upon where this electrical storm occurs. If it happens in the motor control region of the brain you get motor activity, if it occurs in the sensory area then you can get numbness/tingling and if it occurs in the temporal lobe then the person can go into a blank stare.


Anyone who has two or more unprovoked seizures has Epilepsy. 癫痫是一种慢性发作性疾病.

-    Generalized – the electrical storm involves the whole brain.
-    Partial – The electrical storm starts from a part of the brain.

Partial seizures are much more common than generalized seizures.
The treatments differ based on the type of seizure you have.



脑部核磁共振成像(结构) 脑电图(EEG)

Those who do not respond to initial treatment require further work up as described below.


  • The main treatment of Epilepsy is medications and almost 60% of patients respond to medications.
  • If medications fail then epilepsy surgery becomes an option. Epilepsy surgery involves finding the area of the brain that is giving rise to seizures and making sure that this area is not responsible for any vital function. Then this seizure focus can be surgically removed.
  • 最后一个选择是迷走神经刺激器, this is an FDA approved form of treatment for medically refractory epilepsy.



Phase I of the epilepsy treatment and monitoring program is the most critical. The 皇冠体育博彩癫痫中心 offers all services needed for the treatment of medically refractory epilepsy, 包括:

Video-Electroencephalography (VEEG) monitoring

这个测试是作为住院病人进行的. Its purpose is to determine what kind of seizures is the patient having and to establish the most optimal treatment strategy for that patient.

磁共振成像(核磁共振成像) with a special seizure protocol to identify structural abnormalities of the brain.

正电子发射断层扫描(PET) 扫描来评估大脑的新陈代谢. The malfunctioning area (seizure focus) of the brain doesn’t utilize glucose as well as the rest of the brain and thus can be easily identified.

Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) 扫描评估流向大脑的血流量. 大脑会自动调节血液供应. The area of the brain that triggers seizures has a decreased blood flow when the patient is not having a seizure and an increased blood flow during a seizure.

神经心理测试 tests brain function by neuropsychological tests. It can take almost a full day to complete these tests.



This phase is only undertaken if a patient is a candidate for epilepsy surgery.

The Wada Test localizes a patient’s language and memory functions. First a cerebral angiogram is done to determine the circulation. A drug is then injected to “deaden” one hemisphere of the brain at a time and a standardized memory and language test is administered to determine the required information regarding language and memory.



This procedure is only performed in a select few where further localization is needed to clearly delineate the seizure onset area. 它包括颅内监测. 在手术过程中, a flap of the cranial bone is removed so that electrodes can be placed directly on the brain to localize the seizure onset area.


This phase involves the actual surgical procedure to remove the seizure focus.



Vagal nerve stimulation involves implanting a pacemaker into a patient’s chest. Leads are placed on the vagal nerve in the neck which sends frequent electrical impulses to the brain to alleviate seizures. The electrical impulses are adjusted with each patient to provide optimal success.