理查德。 C . 威默博士



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理查德。 C . 威默博士


Dr. Witmer是牧师. 约翰P. 施莱格尔, SJ, Distinguished 教授 in 政治 和 Government in the 部门 of 政治科学 和 International Relations at 皇冠体育博彩大学.  His teaching 和 research interests include American 政治 和 American Indian 政治, Policy 和 Law as well as US-Cuba relations. 他的研究, which focuses on the intersection of American Indian politics 和 policy, intergovernmental relations 和 American 政治, has been published in numerous political science journals including the 政治杂志, 政治研究季刊, 社会科学季刊, PS:政治学和政治学, 政治, 群体和身份, 社会科学杂志, 土著政策杂志, 人权审查, 政治与政策, 与国际政治.  Dr. Witmer was also lead editor of a special issue on Indigenous 政治 in The Journal of Race, Ethnicity 和 政治.
He has also published articles in Law Journals including 学者:圣. Mary’s Law Review on Minority Issues, 克雷顿法律评论 环境法与环境杂志 诉讼.  Dr. Witmer是 Forced Federalism: Contemporary Challenges to Indigenous Nationhood, (with Jeff Corntassel) University of Oklahoma Press, 2008 (paperback 2011).  他还参与撰写了 Report on the Resolution of Outst和ing Property Claims between Cuba 和 the US (Patrick Borchers, 迈克尔•凯利, Erika莫雷诺, 和 James Wunsch) 皇冠体育博彩大学 Press 2007. 他也是 The Cuba-US Bilateral Relationship: New Pathways 和 Policy Choices, (with Erika莫雷诺 和 迈克尔•凯利) Oxford University Press 2019.


  • American 政治, American Indian 政治, Policy 和 Law


American Indian 政治, Policy 和 Law; Intergovernmental Relations; American 政治


政治科学 和 International Relations



  • The New 政治 of Indian Gaming: The Rise of Reservation Interest Groups
    伯姆克,弗雷德里克,维特默,理查德C. Tribal Political Expenditures in California. 2011


  • 社会科学季刊
    理查德·C·维特默., Johnson, Joshua鲍姆克,弗雷德里克·J. 美国印第安人的政策
    95, p. 1043-1063 2014
  • PS:政治学和政治学
    “Promoting Student Learning 和 Scholarship through Undergraduate Research Journals.” Co-authored with Mack Mariani, Fiona Buckley 和 T. 蕾迪.
    46, 4, p. 830-5 2013
  • 政治研究季刊
    “Indian Nations as Interest Groups: Tribal Motivations for Contributions to U.S. 参议员”. 与Frederick Boehmke合著.
    65, 1, p. 179-91 2012
  • 政治杂志
    弗雷德里克·J·伯克.布兰顿,雷吉娜P., Dillingham, Gavin, 理查德·C·维特默. 足够接近舒适? The Spatial Structure of Interest 和 Information in Ballot Measure Elections
    74, p. 827-1839 2012
  • 政治研究季刊
    弗雷德里克·J·伯克., 威默,理查德。 Indian Nations as Interest Groups: Tribal Motivations for Contributions to U.S. 参议员
    65, p. 179-191 2012
  • 学者:圣. 《玛丽关于少数民族问题的法律评论
    威默,R. C.格里泽,A.贾克斯,P. Reconsidering religion policy as violence: Lyng v. Northwest Indian Cemetery Association
    10, p. 373-395 2008
  • 克雷顿法律评论
    帕特里克·J·波彻斯.凯利,迈克尔·J.莫雷诺,Erika, 理查德·C·维特默.James S., Pearlstein, Arthur Executive summary: Report on the resolution of outst和ing property claims between Cuba & 美国
    41, p. 207-218 2008
  • 古巴事务
    理查德·C·维特默.莫雷诺,Erika, 帕特里克·J·波彻斯.凯利,迈克尔·J. A proposed property claims settlement mechanism for 美国 和 Cuba
    2, p. 11-Jan 2007
  • 社会科学杂志
    理查德·C·维特默.鲍姆克,弗雷德里克·J. American Indian political incorporation in the post-Indian Gaming Regulatory Act era
    44, p. 127-145 2007


  • 政治杂志
    “离得够近,够舒服。? The Spatial Structure of Interest 和 Information in Ballot Measure Elections.” Co-authored with Frederick Boehmke, Gina Branton 和 Gavin Dillingham.
    74, 3, p. 827-41 2012


  • 俄克拉荷马编年史
    理查德·C·维特默. 该死的印第安人再来了
    89 2011


  • "Comparing American Indian Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Programs 和 Indian Health Service Compacts: Tribal Culture 和 Capacity in the Self-Determination Era." American 政治科学 Association Meeting, Washington, DC, August 28-31, 2014. 2014
  • "American Indian Self-Governance: Tribal Agreements with the Indian Health Service." Midwest 政治科学 Association, 芝加哥, IL, April 2-6, 2014. 2014
  • "Self-Determination, Self-Governance 和 the Challenges of Federal Oversight." Mid-America American Studies Association Conference, 2月28日至3月1日, 2014, with Margaret OConnor (Creighton Student). 2014
  • 研究报告. 1月30日, 2014 at Bucknell University Public Policy Institute, "American Indian Self-Governance: Tribal Agreements with the Indian Health Service". 2014
  • "American Indian Policy 和 State Institution Creation." American 政治科学 Association Meeting, 芝加哥, IL, 8月29日至9月1日, 2013, 约书亚·约翰逊. 2013
  • "The Impact of Spatial Exposure on Turnout in Ballot Elections." State 政治与政策 Conference, 爱荷华市, IA, 5月24 - 25日, 2013, Fred Boehmke和Gina Branton. 2013
  • "Symbolic 政治 or Substantive Policy? American Indian Legislation in the States." Midwest 政治科学 Association, 芝加哥, IL, April 2013, with Fred Boehmke 和 Josh Johnson. 2013
  • "Adaptive Incorporation: American Indian Political Behavior in the Forced Federalism Era." American 政治科学 Association, New Orleans, LA, September, 2012. 2012
  • "American Indian Adaptive Incorporation." Presented at the Midwest 政治科学 Association Meeting, 芝加哥, IL, April, 2012. 2012
  • 研究报告. 1月23日, 2012 at University of New Mexico School of Public Policy, "American Indian Policy in the American States". 2012

  • 政治科学 教授 of the Year
    政治科学 Majors of 皇冠体育博彩大学