约书亚 A.L. 仙童博士



Hixson谎言科学大楼- 316

约书亚 A.L. 仙童博士






  • IGI Global:宾夕法尼亚州
    Farr, J. L.费尔柴尔德,J., & 卡西迪,年代. E. 技术与绩效考核. :米. D. Coovert & L. F. 汤普森(Eds.工作场所技术的心理学(p. 77-98). 纽约,纽约:劳特利奇. 2014
  • 工作场所技术心理学
    詹姆斯·法尔., 仙童,约书亚卡西迪,Scott E. 技术与绩效评估,p. 77 2013
  • 施普林格出版
    仙童,J.尤班克斯,D., & 猎人,年代. T. Effects of intuition, positive affect, and training on creative problem solving. E:. G. Carayannis (Ed.) The encyclopedia of 创造力, invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship, p. pp.562-567 2013
  • 劳特利奇
    猎人,年代. T.L .库申贝里.金瑟尔,N., & 仙童,J. 领导, innovation, and technology: The evolution of the creative process. 在:年代. Hemlin C. M. Allwood B. R. 马丁, & M. D. 芒福德(Eds.) Creativity and leadership in science, technology, and innovation , p. pp. 81-110 2013
  • Technology for 创造力 and innovation: Tools, techniques and applications
    仙童,J.卡西迪,S.莉莉娅,C.亨特,S. T. Integrating technology with the creative design process, p. 26-51 2011
  • IGI Global:宾夕法尼亚州
    仙童,J.卡西迪,S.L .库申贝里., & 猎人,年代. Integrating technology with the creative design process. 在一个. Mesquita (Ed.) Technology for 创造力 and innovation: Tools, techniques and applications , p. 26-51 2011


  • 创造行为杂志
    仙童,J.亨特,S. T ?..我们有创造性的差异?.?: The Effects of Task Conflict and Participative 安全 on Team Creative Performance
    48, p. 64-87 2013
  • Industrial and Organizational 心理学: Perspectives on Science and Practice
    猎人,年代. T.L .库申贝里.费尔柴尔德,J., & 船夫J. Partnerships in leading for innovation: A dyadic model of collective leadership. Industrial and Organizational 心理学: Perspectives on Science and Practice
    5, p. 427-430 2012
  • 工业组织心理学家
    仙童,J. & 施,年代. Cross-disciplinary research with engineering and Information 科学 and Technology. 工业组织心理学家
    47(4), p. 133-137 2010


  • 仙童,J.鲍曼,M.*,海宁,L.*, & 里昂,年代.*(2015年4月). The effects of information overload on creative decision making. Paper to be presented at the 30th Annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational 心理学, 费城, PA. 2015
  • Cushenbery L.赫特里克,A. 仙童,J., & 猎人,年代. T. (2014年8月). 是对还是错? 领导者对任务和关系错误的反应. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, 费城. 2014
  • Hetrick,.L .库申贝里.费尔柴尔德,J., & 猎人,年代. T. (2014年8月). Recovery from public and private mistakes: Apology reduces leader avoidance of followers. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, 费城. 2014
  • 汉弗莱,年代. E.艾米,F.L .库申贝里.费尔柴尔德,J., & 希尔,. (2014年8月). Team conflict dynamics: A multi-level longitudinal view of conflict for team performance. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, 费城. 2014
  • Cooperstein J.*,库申贝里,L. D.赫特里克,A.费尔柴尔德,J., & 猎人,年代. T. 5月(2014). Enhancing team 创造力 through psychological safety and P.A.S.S. Paper presented at the 29th annual conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational 心理学. 火奴鲁鲁,嗨. 2014
  • 达尔J.L .库申贝里. D.斯特尔曼,S.赫特里克,A.费尔柴尔德,J. (讨论者),米切尔,M.古特沃斯,M., & 猎人,年代. T. 5月(2014). 指导本科生I-O心理学. Seminar presented at 29th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational 心理学. 火奴鲁鲁,嗨. 2014
  • 仙童,J.亨特,S. T., & Mulhearn T. 5月(2014). The interaction of membership change and task on team 创造力. Paper presented at the 29th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational 心理学. 火奴鲁鲁,嗨. 2014
  • 仙童,J.L .库申贝里. D.马尼奥提斯,S.德雷舍尔,A., & 猎人,年代. T. (2013年4月). Individual-level personality traits as predictors of team conflict: Timing matters. Paper presented at the 28th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational 心理学. 休斯顿,德克萨斯州. 2013
  • 仙童,J.L .库申贝里. D.马尼奥提斯,S.德雷舍尔,A., & 猎人,年代. T. (2013年4月). Evaluating an intervention for team creative performance. Paper presented at the 28th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational 心理学. 休斯顿,德克萨斯州. 2013
  • * Hetrick,.L .库申贝里. D.费尔柴尔德,J. & 猎人,年代. T. (2013年4月). Gender and leader recovery from task and relationship-oriented mistakes. Poster presented at the 28th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational 心理学. 休斯顿,德克萨斯州. 2013
  • 猎人,年代. T.费尔柴尔德,J., & Cushenbery L. D. (2013年4月). 组织中的运动式领导模式. Paper presented at the 28th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational 心理学. 休斯顿,德克萨斯州. 2013
  • 汉弗莱,年代. E.艾米,F.L .库申贝里. D.希尔,A., & 仙童,J. (2012年8月). Teams as dyads: A model for conceptualizing and studying teamwork. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference. 波士顿. 2012
  • 仙童,J. & 猎人,年代. T. (2012年4月). The interaction of conflict and participative safety on team 创造力. Poster presented at the 27th annual conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational 心理学. 圣地亚哥,加州. 2012
  • 仙童,J.卡西迪,S.瑟罗古德,C., & 猎人,年代. T. (2011年8月). 检查设计团队的创意过程. Poster presented at the 119th annual conference of the American Psychological Association. 华盛顿特区.C. 2011
  • Cushenbery L., & 仙童,J. L. (2011年8月). 心理安全, 创造力, and agreeableness: Creative performers dont always have to be jerks. Paper presented at the Annual Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, TX. 2011
  • 肯尼迪,米.本·阿维,M.亨德森,H.里根,A., & 仙童,J. 5月(2010). Use of student self-assessment surveys in evaluating the impacts of a first-year experience program. Paper presented at the 50th annual forum of the Association for Institutional Research. 芝加哥,. 2010
  • 仙童,J.亨特,M. D.利根,吉娜玛丽·S.亨特,S. T. (2010年4月). The theoretical implications of leading employees with autism spectrum disorders. Poster presented at a symposium at the 25th annual conference for the Society of Industrial and Organizational 心理学. 亚特兰大,乔治亚州. 2010


  • 顾问
    • Analyzed performance data of applicants for managerial positions • Compiled reports detailing job applicant performance
    2014 - 2014
  • 顾问
    • Coordinated with health practitioners to develop a system to promote employee health in organizations • Conducted research to identify best human resource practices to enhance employee participation in wellness programs • Assisted with the planning and writing of a grant to support further program development
    Innovative Wellness, LLP
    2013 - 2013
  • 顾问
    • Conducting empirical and observational analysis of 创造力 and innovation in this advertising agency, with the goal of providing recommendations to enhance future innovative performance • Coordinating a team of undergraduate research assistants in observing, 面试, 调查公司员工
    2013 - 2013
  • 顾问
    • Assisted with development of a selection system for brand managers • Analyzed applicant performance data and compiled reports
    2013 - 2013
  • 评估员
    • Conducted assessments of honors students' leadership competencies. • Developed feedback reports and provided developmental feedback to assessment center participants.
    2009 - 2009