托德 C . Darnold博士



托德C. Darnold博士


市场营销 & 管理-商业
HARP - Harper Center for Student Life & 学习- 4012A

托德 C . Darnold博士




  • Cahill Award for Outstanding Service to the College of Business, 2014
  • Award, 春季运动宴会 "Favorite Professor", 2014
  • Cahill Award for Outstanding Service to the College of Business, 2013
  • Award, 春季运动宴会 "Favorite Professor", 2013
  • Award, College of Business Graduate Faculty Person of the Year, 2012
  • “最受欢迎教授”奖, 春季运动宴会, 2012
  • 闪耀奖,是, 2012
  • “最受欢迎教授”奖, 春季运动宴会, 2011
  • 获本月最佳教师奖(4月 & 11月),的, 2011年
  • Award, Professor of the Month (March), 三角洲ζ, 2011
  • “不容错过的物品”奖, 商业生物技术杂志 , 2011
  • “最受欢迎教授”奖, 春季运动宴会, 2010
  • 得分手奖, 皇冠体育博彩学生成功中心 & 保留,2010
  • Award, Professor of the Month (April), 的, 2010


My research falls in two related areas. First, I am interested in how organizations acquire, organize, and retain talent. This interest has lead to my work in the areas of personnel recruiting and selection (staffing), 团队组成, 和保留. 第二个, I am interested in how people perceive their leaders and how those perceptions influence their attitudes and behaviors. This interest is the driving force behind my work in the areas of leader integrity and abusive leadership. 综上所述, I am ultimately interested in producing research that helps leaders build great organizations and lead those organizations well!





  • Handbook of Psychology, Volume 12, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2nd Edition
    托德·达诺德C.莱恩斯,萨拉·L. Recruitment and job choice research: Same as it ever was?, p. 104-142 2013
  • 牛津大学出版社
    Rynes,年代.里夫斯,C.达诺德,T., The history of recruitment research. 在D. 电缆 & T. Yu, The Handbook of Employee Recruitment. 2013


  • Journal of 领导 and Organizational Studies
    摩尔人,R.H.布雷克利,G.L., & Darnold T.C. (2018). Understanding how Perceived Leader Integrity Affects Follower Trust:  Lessons from the Use of Multidimensional Measures of Integrity and Trust.
    25,3, p. 277–289 2018
  • 商业与心理学杂志
    唐斯,P.Kristof-Brown, A. 法官,T., & Darnold T. Motivational Mechanisms of Self-Concordance Theory: Goal-specific Efficacy and Person-Organization Fit., p. 1-19 2016
  • Journal for Advancement of 市场营销 Education
    布莱恩·约翰逊.——马修·T. 西弗斯和托德·C. Darnold (“School Ties: Social Capital and Student Performance in Individual and Group Tasks,”
    23 (3), p. 34-46 2015
  • American Journal of Business Education
    Seever, M.,约翰逊. B.达诺德,T., Social Networks in the Classroom: Personality Factors as Antecedents of Student Social Capital.
    8 (3), p. 1-14 2015
  • 领导的季度
    罗伯特·摩尔曼.,达诺德,托德C., Priesemuth, Manuela Perceived leader integrity: Supporting the construct validity and utility of a multi-dimensional measure in two samples
    24, p. 427-444 2013
  • 变革管理杂志
    罗伯特·摩尔曼.,达诺德,托德C., Priesemuth, Manuela, Dunn, Craig P. Toward the Measurement of Perceived Leader Integrity: Introducing a Multidimensional Approach
    12, p. 383-398 2012
  • Personality and Individual Differences
    格雷格·L·斯图尔特.,达诺德,托德C.齐默尔曼,瑞安·D.帕克斯、劳拉、达斯汀、苏珊·L. Exploring how response distortion of personality measures affects individuals
    49, p. 622-628 2010
  • 商业生物技术杂志
    安妮·约克.麦卡锡,金·A.,达诺德,托德C. Building biotechnology teams: Personality does matter
    15, p. 335-346 2009
  • 人员审查
    瑞安·齐默尔曼,D.,达诺德,托德C. The impact of 工作表现 on employee turnover intentions and the voluntary turnover process A meta-analysis and path model
    38, p. 142-158 2009
  • 商业生物技术杂志
    纽约, 安妮, 麦卡锡, 金达诺德,托德 Teaming in Biotechnology Commercialisation: The Diversity-Performance Connection and How University Programs Can Make a Difference
    15, p. 3-11 2009
  • 应用心理学杂志
    格雷格·L·斯图尔特.达斯汀,苏珊·L.巴里克,默里·R.,达诺德,托德C. Exploring the handshake in employment interviews
    93, p. 1139-1146 2008
  • 韩国期刊管理
    Darnold T. C.哦,我。. S.金, K.黄,J. O.* * * *. Y.Park, Y. A.帕克,L. H. 工作满意度的关系, 组织承诺, 工作表现, and turnover intention: A literature review and meta-analysis with South Korean samples.
    15, p. 43-86 2007


  • 摩尔人,R.H.达诺德,T.C., & Priesemuth, M., Perceived leader integrity: Supporting the construct validity and utility of a multi-dimensional measure in two samples. Presented at the Annual Academy of Management Meeting, Boston, MA. 2012
  • Courtright,年代.H.达诺德,T.C, & 谢弗,J.A., Third-party reactions to abusive supervision: Moderating role of trait empathy, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology conference, 芝加哥, IL. 2011

  • Cahill Award for Outstanding Service to the College of Business
    Cahill Award for Outstanding Service to the College of Business
  • Award, 春季运动宴会 "Favorite Professor"
    春季运动宴会 "Favorite Professor"
  • Cahill Award for Outstanding Service to the College of Business
    Cahill Award for Outstanding Service to the College of Business
  • Award, 春季运动宴会 "Favorite Professor"
    春季运动宴会 "Favorite Professor"
  • Award, College of Business Graduate Faculty Person of the Year
    College of Business Graduate Faculty Person of the Year
  • “最受欢迎教授”奖
    春季运动宴会 "Favorite Professor"
  • 发光奖
  • “最受欢迎教授”奖
    春季运动宴会 "Favorite Professor"
  • 获本月最佳教师奖(4月 & 11月)
    的 Teacher of the Month (April & 11月)
  • Award, Professor of the Month (March)
    三角洲ζ Professor of the Month (March)
  • “不容错过的物品”奖
    商业生物技术杂志 "Unmissable Article"
  • “最受欢迎教授”奖
    春季运动宴会 "Favorite Professor"
  • 得分手奖
    得分手奖 (Center for 学生的成功 & 保留)
    皇冠体育博彩学生成功中心 & 保留
  • Award, Professor of the Month (April)
    的 Professor of the Month (April)