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2009 龟兔赛跑(中文).  他贾.  第一次印刷.  精装的.  Changchun, China: Mini Kids Cinema:  Jilin Fine Arts Publishing House.  $2.50 from sasnerd through Ebay, May, '22.

"Pull the handle and the scene will change."  In this fascinating little book 3¾" square the story of TH is told in five pictures, 每个都有正面文字.  The first four of the pictures have a "handle" which permits sliding to a second view.  First, there are the bet and the gathering at the starting line.  Then there is the start and the quick look back by the hare.  The third pair is about sleeping and awakening.  In the fourth, we see the two competitors racing individually to the finish line.  The inside back cover has the turtle wearing a ribbon.  聪明的工作!  One of four found in a set online.

2009 三只小猪(中文).  他贾. 第一次印刷.  精装的.  Changchun, China: Mini Kids Cinema: Jilin Fine Arts Publishing House.  $2.50 from sasnerd through Ebay, May, '22.

"Pull the handle and the scene will change."  One non-fable gets included here in this series of fascinating little books 3¾" square.  The artist does good work contrasting the house-building materials.  聪明的工作!  One of four found in a set online.

2009 Crow Drinking Water (Chinese).  他贾.  第一次印刷.  精装的.  Changchun, China: Mini Kids Cinema: Jilin Fine Arts Publishing House.  $2.50 from sasnerd through Ebay, May, '22.

"Pull the handle and the scene will change."  The paper artistry is particularly well done in this fascinating little book 3¾" square that presents CP.  The best scene might be the fourth page.  Pulling the handle brings the viewer from a beaker with a few stones and a water level halfway up -- to a full beaker with lots of stones.  聪明的工作!  One of four found in a set online.

2009 Pony Over the River (Chinese).  他贾.  第一次印刷.  精装的.  Changchun, China: Mini Kids Cinema: Jilin Fine Arts Publishing House.  $2.50 from sasnerd through Ebay, May, '22.

"Pull the handle and the scene will change."  This story, a little complex for a fable, is new to me.  Mother horse sends son pony to the miller with a bag of wheat.  He comes to a river and is unsure of himself.  One animal urges him that he will have no problem; another says it is too deep.  He finally tries it and succeeds.  "Try a try whatever people say" seems to be the message here.  One of four found in a set online.